
Cleanpower IQ

CleanPowerIQ is the authoritative source of U.S. clean power project and manufacturing data.

What is CleanPowerIQ?

CleanPowerIQ’s interactive, online platform provides data, charts, and dashboards covering all operational, under construction, and advanced development clean energy projects in the United States as well as all active clean power-related manufacturing facilities. The data spans over 35 years and includes more than 50 attributes of every clean energy project. ACP is the only organization in the country with access to the entire clean energy industry, which enables us to provide timely, verified data to our members.

Get the information you need, quickly.

Quick factsCleanPowerIQ contains over 30 years of industry data, including more than 50 attributes of every utility-scale wind, solar, and battery storage project in the United States. Summary statistics make it easy to quickly interpret the data. CleanPowerIQ also includes information on clean power-related manufacturing facilities in the U.S. and clean power siting policies.

Enhanced features of the database includereal-time data,integrated mappingand anupdated design to improve user experience.

With information about every project and manufacturing facility on the continent, it’s easy to find all the information you need with a few simple clicks.

Visualize with Maps

As the most comprehensive wind turbine database available, CleanPowerIQ allows seamless mapping integration letting you explore the industry from coast to coast. Every clean energy facility’s location is known, so you can even explore specific projects.

Explore Quick Facts with Dashboards

Interactive dashboards serve quick facts and key industry statistics. Showcasing the industry’s impact across the country, these dashboards provide power advocacy information and keep you informed of the powerful economic and environmental impact of clean power.A WindIQ dashboard

Legislative Dashboards

CleanPowerIQ includes legislative dashboards that make it simple and easy to showcase the benefits the clean power industry is delivering to lawmakers’ constituents. These printable dashboards highlight everything from how much energy is generated in the district to the companies that are investing in projects or manufacturing facilities.

Understand the Power of Clean Energy

The clean power industry is a major economic drive in many parts of the country. Clean energy is powering job growth, investment, and the delivery of clean, reliable, and affordable electricity in every state. Use CleanPowerIQ to see state-level impacts or access our suite of Annual and Quarterly Market Reports to stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends.

Take CleanPowerIQ With You

WindIQ App screenshotThe official app puts data in your pocket to easily and quickly access its wealth of information. Features include: Data Search, State Facts, Quick Facts, and more. Download the app to explore the full selection of features.

Access to CleanPowerIQ Today!

Get CleanPowerIQ

CleanPowerIQ basic is available complimentary to all ACP Members with the option to upgrade individuals to premium. CleanPowerIQ basic is available for purchase to non members at the company level with the option to upgrade individuals to premium. Non member companies must subscribe to basic before upgrades become available.

CleanPowerIQ FAQs

Learn More
What is included in CleanPowerIQ?

CleanPowerIQ is the authoritative source of U.S. clean power project and manufacturing data. The interactive, online platform provides data, charts, and dashboards covering all operational, under construction, and advanced development clean energy projects in the United States as well as all active clean power-related manufacturing facilities. The data spans over 35 years and includes more than 50 attributes of every clean energy project. ACP is the only organization in the country with access to the entire clean energy industry, which enables us to provide timely, verified data.

What is new in CleanPowerIQ?

The new and improved CleanPowerIQ provides a more robust data search environment and an integrated mapping experience. Now users can search for projects with specific attributes and have those specific projects plotted geospatially. We are also providing dashboards – a printer-friendly summary of information about a single project, congressional district, state, county, or company. Data visualization is also at the forefront of the new version. Summary dashboards, generation charts, and project maps provide users with another perspective of the data. CleanPowerIQ is also integrating more 3rd party data including data from the Energy Information Administration, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. We have also recently released an official app, so you can take the data with you wherever you go.

How often is CleanPowerIQ updated?

CleanPowerIQ is updated daily with new project and manufacturing details. ACP’s expert staff continuously monitors clean power industry activity and updates the database in real-time. At the end of the quarter, ACP performs a thorough validation, confirming quarterly activity with project owners and turbine manufacturers. Contact stats@cleanpower.orgfor more information.

How do I access CleanPowerIQ?

Enter the database and provide your credentials to login to the platform. If you do not have a CleanPowerIQ subscription, on-screen prompts will direct you to sign-up or start a free trial.

How do I use CleanPowerIQ?

The CleanPowerIQ database includes four different tabs that users can use to search for clean power projects, turbines, manufacturing facilities, or both. The “Project” tab is designed so the user can easily filter projects by status, project name, year online, location, owner, power offtaker, project size and other factors to quickly find the specific information of interest. In the “Turbine” tab, users can search for turbine-level data such as turbine model, and export information including turbine latitude and longitude coordinates. In the “Manufacturing” tab, the user can filter based on state, company, or component. In the “Projects and Mfg” tab, users can perform location-based queries to see the clean power industry’s full footprint in a certain area.

View a demo of the new CleanPowerIQ experience:

What are the ‘filtered’ columns?

When searching for a specific project year online, project status, project owner, or project developer, CleanPowerIQ provides capacity and turbine count values specific the criteria selected for one or all of these five fields. For example, if you searched for all projects owned by a specific company, they may have partial ownership stakes in projects. The filtered columns would reflect these partial stakes, while the unfiltered capacity and turbine count values would represent the full project details.

What is the source of the data in CleanPowerIQ?

ACP’s expert staff collects clean energy project and clean power-related manufacturing facility information on a year-round basis from public and private sources. ACP validates all information before publishing in CleanPowerIQ or ACP Market Reports. Project data for operational clean power projects is validated and confirmed with both project owners and turbine manufacturers on a quarterly basis. CleanPowerIQ also integrates data from external sources, such as the Energy Information Administration (EIA) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

What are the fees?

CleanPowerIQ basic is available complementary to all ACP Members with the option to upgrade individuals to premium for $299/person for the year. CleanPowerIQ basic is available for purchase to non members at the company level for $10,000 (good for one year from the date of purchase) with the option to upgrade individuals to premium for $499/person for the year. Non member companies must subscribe to basic before upgrades become available. Company-based pricing is available upon request to companies interested in more than 10 individual subscriptions. If interested, reach out to membership@cleanpower.org.

What comes with CleanPowerIQ Basic?
  • ACP market reports
    • Annual, Quarterly, RPS, C&I Market
  • Quick facts dashboard
  • Clean power project database
  • Clean power turbine database
  • Clean power-related manufacturing database
  • Data downloads via CSV
What comes with CleanPowerIQ Premium?
  • Automatic map filtering based on data search criteria
  • New dashboards (project, state, county, & legislative district)
  • EIA generation data
  • Siting policies database
  • Data downloads via XML
How are others utilizing CleanPowerIQ to help their business?

Here are just a few of the ways:

A company lobbyist has a meeting on the hill with a key member of congress and needs to gather collateral regarding the presence of the industry in the member’s district:In a just a few minutes, CleanPowerIQ can provide a summary of all the clean power assets in the member’s district and a state fact sheet detailing the economic, employment, and environmental benefits the industry provides.

A business development manager is working to prioritize sales calls and optimize the efficiency of her/his team:With a multitude of querying and sorting capabilities, CleanPowerIQ allows the users to quickly narrow in on projects with a specific turbine manufacture or model, focus on projects of a specific size, build year, or build location, or capture new or missing projects from previous searches. All these actions help to focus time and discover the right customers. [actual testimonial from a user]

A large component manufacturer is considering building a new manufacturing facility to supply increasing clean power demand: CleanPowerIQcan quickly show the geographic footprint of their existing product placement and highlight geographic trends for future deployment. This ability to see where projects are being actively developed and constructed not only helps inform site selection, but can also highlight potential customers that can be supplied from existing facilities.

Can I share CleanPowerIQ?

No, CleanPowerIQ is meant for internal purposes only. The terms & conditions of database use are as follows:

© 2021 鶹ҹ Association. All rights reserved. You may access, reproduce, and print the 鶹ҹ Association’s (“ACP”) CleanPowerIQ and its contents, and any portion thereof (the “Database”) for internal use only (which use may include internal use by employeesand assigneesof your company), and,by accessing the Database, youagree: (i) that you shall not sell or otherwise engage in any distribution of the Database;(ii) that you shall not make any alterations, modifications, deletions or other changes to the Database without the express written consent ofACP; and (iii) to indemnify and hold ACP harmless for any loss or damage, including reasonable attorney’s fees, which ACP may incur, directly or indirectly, as a result of your use of the Database. The names, trademarks, service marks and logos of ACP appearing in the Materials may not be used in any advertising or publicity, or otherwise, to indicate ACP’s sponsorship or affiliation, without ACP’s prior express written permission. All the other product and company names mentioned in the Materials may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.